Sunday, 25 January 2009

The last day of the Rat Year

So the year of the Rat was pretty fruitful for the "Rat-ta-tat-ty" me.

I've made new friends, cherished existing ones and lost some.

I've gain 20 pounds. (No kidding)

I got my long hair snipped off.

I've adopted an adorable godson.

I am no longer the Late Queen I used to be(although I screw up occasionally)

I tried Yoga and dance for the first time.

I signed on a gym.

I manage to become a better friend, a better elder sister and a better daughter.

I saved $$$.

I lost someone so dear to me.

I bought Wii.

I read alot of books.

I prayed.


And for the "Niu" Year, I have a list of task to start on :

I want to save more money.

I want to be a good student.

I want to be a better person, more lady-like yet not losing my own personal character.

I want to lose 20 pounds (duh)

I want to travel.

I want my long hair back.

I want to read even more books.

I want to go on a huge shopping spree.

I want to control my obnoxious temper.

I want a new bed.

I want to get my driving liscense.

Oh yes...

And I want to fall in love. =)


Have a yummylicious reunion dinner you guys.


Happy 牛 year~!!

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