Tuesday, 6 May 2008


So, I received an sms from Kev last night.

“Guess who I met?”

I was too tired and lazy to check on my hp last night so I only replied on the way to work just now.

“MM lor.”

It didn’t come across my mind that he might have met someone else because coincidentally, he was ALWAYS bumping into MM.

“ X X X.haha”

I don’t like Kev’s reply.

In just a millisecond, questions and more questions were swirling in my head.

Where did you meet him? How is he doing? What was he doing there? Who was he with? What did you guys talk about? Did he ask about us?

You know, “the-whole-world-bumped-into-you-but-I-never-did” thingy. I was dying to know everything. And the feeling sucks.

I did get some of my answers though.

I wonder what I will do if I see you on the streets. Will I be oblivious of your presence or will I have the courage to say hi?

I don’t know.

But one thing I’m sure of…

It doesn’t take an idiot to know that you are being missed by me.

p/s : Hey you, happy holidays. =)

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