Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Blabbers as usual


I was surfing Facebook and I nearly choked on reading what an ex "ticked" in those boxes for me to confirm friend details.

Why complicated? I don't get it. Complicated means we are kinda still entangled till now. But we're not! What if his girlfriend sees it? He's mad lah.

And no, obviously I didn't approve.


Got home early yesterday and decided to go for a slow jog around the neighbourhood. The ground was pretty wet so I guess no one wants to come out. Thus, I had the whole track to myself . My surroundings was nothing more than just breeze and rustling of leaves. Serene. =) So I started brisk walking to pump up the heart beat and then began to jog. It was a good decision to leave my Ipod at home. When you jog, you can hear your own rhythemic breathing, feel your body exerting energy as you lift up your legs and move forward. Exercising releases some sort of enzymes in your body so you'll feel "light" and tension-free after your workout. True enough. That 45min jog I had was pleasantly therapeutic.

Been stressing over the application of my degree... wondering should I go full time or continue as a part time student. Like I mentioned before, I hate to regret not being able to enjoy my life as a student-something which I really miss in my younger school days. I know I have been whining about this ever since god knows when but it's HELL tiring to hold a job and study at the same time. I have been working for the past 3 damn years mind you.


If I choose to be a full-time student, it'll definitely be a cut in my spending ability. See this is the time when long term savings comes to good use. Yah, but it's not like I saved a lot of money.

aiyah I don't know lah.

I'm left with 3 months till Febuary'08 to decide. This is SO SO SO maddening.


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