Thursday, 6 September 2007


The Day before Tomorrow

In a drone mode today. I have been sleeping for less than 3hrs everyday for the past week and still have to crawl up to get my ass to go to work. My whole body is yelling for some thai massage especially my arms and wrist. My eyes, needless to say.

I think I'm putting my life in jeopardy at the rate that I am going.Super unhealthy. =(

Our group project is finally completed though I've not seen the finalized video yet. 1 proj down, 2 more essays to go. But tonight, I'm gonna slap on my mask then have a nice warm shower, fall flat on my bed and zzzzzz the night away. I am anticipating Friday because I want to heed home right after work and sit on my TV couch and get EVERYTHING off my mind besides thinking of rest rest rest and more REST. Come weekends, another gruelling two days of more essays and never-ending research.

13th of September. Dead-line.

Oh God, I need a breather.


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